In tnis post we learn a simple circuit idea which may be used for producing important waveforms such as triangle waveform and square waveform.
Triangular wave forms and square waves are the most sought after wave forms for the electronic hobbyist. Triangular wave forms are needed to develop PWM circuits.
Both triangular and square wave forms are the tools for any electronic calibration. Here in this circuit by using a simple dual op-Amp, it is possible to get both the triangle and the square wave from the same circuit.
The amplifier at the left generates the triangular wave form. The frequency of the triangular wave shall depend on the value of the capacitance and value of R.
The time interval of one half-cycle is equal to R*C and it can source around 10mA of current at its output.
The output of the first op-Amp is being gated at the non- inverting input of the second op-Amp which has a symmetry adjustment pot connected at its inverting input. The output of the second op-Amp is a square wave.
The amplitude of the triangular wave form can be changed if we change the value of 47K resistor. You shall find the offset at the square wave output and this can be removed by putting a capacitor in series with pin 7.

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