Single MOSFET Relay Toggle Circuit


This circuit is similar to the one above, but uses a N channel mosfet such as IRF530, 540, 640, etc. in place of the NPN transistor. Smaller mosfets could be used, but I don't know the part numbers. I tested the circuit with a IRF640, IRFZ44, IRFZ34 and REP50N06.

The circuit has the same three advantages, it requires only a few parts, always comes up with the relay deactivated, and doesn't need any switch debouncing

In operation, when the relay is deactivated, the 100uF capacitor will charge to 6 volts. When the button is pressed, the capacitor will apply 6 volts to the MOSFET gate turning it on. The capacitor

voltage (and gate voltage) will fall from 6 to 3 volts in about 200 mS which should be enough time for the relay contacts to move. For very slow relays, a larger capacitor may be needed.

When the relay energizes, the contacts will apply 12 volts to the 3.3K resistor producing 6 volts at the gate, which will keep the relay energized indefinitely. The capacitor will now discharge to zero since the +12 relay contact is no longer connected to the 15K resistor.

When the button is again pressed, the capacitor will apply zero volts to the gate turning off the relay. There should be no problem holding down the button causing the relay to re-engage since the gate voltage will be only about 1.8 volts when the button is held down and the mosfet requires about 3.5 volts or more to start conducting. But you do need to wait about 1 second or longer between button presses, so the capacitor has time to charge or discharge. Two push buttons are shown, but you could have several more in parallel to control the relay from several different locations.

Circuit diagram

circuit from

Blog, Updated at: 16:06


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