This project is an open source (hardware & software) DDS generator, based on: smart TFT module, AD9834, LM7171 fast amplifier.
- The quick & dirty way based on a DDS module bought on eBay
- The analog version based on a MAX038 / XR2206
- The “clean” way based on a FPGA and a fast DAC (e.g.
- The software way (e.g. Arduino + R/2R DAC)
From my side, I wanted a small one which could fits my needs without being too expensive. According to me, such generator should at least:
- Be easy to use
- Output a signal from 1Vpp to 10Vpp (+/-5V), from 0 to 1MHz
- Have a low profile
- Without electric hazard (shall work on a 12V DC)
Choosing the DDS chip
From my personal experience, I consider that a waveform shall be defined by 10-20 points to be well restituted. Relying on a 75MHz clock, the maximal output frequency would be 7.5MHz… This is not a very good performance for a professional equipment (even if the cheapest generators do not go above 4MHz), but it is quite reasonable for a hobbyist project.
The AD9834 can be found at $5 on eBay.
Amplitude control
- Constant amplitude of 1Vpp (by default on most COTS), by wiring a resistor between the FS_ADJUST pin and the ground: this is quite annoying because an additional external amplifier will be need to set the amplitude to a desired level.
- Variable amplitude, by wiring a potentiometer between the FS_ADJUST pin and the ground: this solution is really easy to implement, but it will not allow a software management needed, for example, by the amplitude modulation.
- Software variable amplitude, by wiring a DAC to the FS_ADJUST pin. This solution is a bit more complex, but it will allow to implement some useful functionalities. I choose this way.
The amplitude will be set by the microcontroller of the smart TFT module (PIC32MX795). Unlike the other manufacturers (Atmel, ST…), Microchip did not include a DAC on their $10 chip… An external DAC is needed (an AD5310 found on eBay for $0.8 – 10 bit / SPI, SOT23-6 package). A small voltage divider is put between the DAC and the FS_ADJUST pin in order to transform the 0-3.3V of the DAC into 0-1.2V handled by the AD9834:

AC coupling
- A high pass filter (a simple RC filter): this solution ensures an ideal AC coupling, but is problematic for the low frequency signals (a huge RC filter would be needed for frequencies below 100Hz)
- A differential amplifier: it is possible with the AD9834 because this component already has a differential output (IOUT / IOUTB pins). This solution makes the AC coupling effective even for very low frequencies, even for a DC signal. Therefore, the AC coupling will not be “ideal”: a small offset will be injected, and possibly some additional distortions due to the tolerance of the components (OPAMP & resistors). Nevertheless, it remains the best way according to me.

The ratio R15/R12 is set such as the maximal voltage outputted by U6 is +/-3.3V.
Offset control
Nothing difficult here: we just have to generate a DC signal between -3.3V and +3.3V. I use another AD5310 with a small OPAMP:

Notice: here again, the logical levels are reversed: the minimal offset is reached when the DAC output is +3.3V and the maximal offset is reached when the DAC output is 0V.
Final stage
Here, we have 2 signals: the one coming from the DDS (between -3.3V and +3.3V, AC coupled) and the one coming from the offset control (between -3.3V and +3.3V too). We just have to mix these 2 signals and amplify them to get a +/-5V output:

PWM output
Nothing complex here: a simple CMOS gate for buffering the PWM output of the microcontroller. I tried to use a fast comparator on the triangular output of the DDS, but the jitter was too important; I finally gave up this solution.

Analog input
Very minimalist… A simple resistor for limiting the input current, and a common Pi filter. The sampling frequency is not very high (~ 1KHz) because the internal ADC of the microcontroller is also used by the touchscreen inside an ISR.

Power supply / regulators
The whole schematic can be easily routed in a small PCB (smaller than a credit card). The PCB is composed of 2 layouts, with a common GND plan. The LM7171 shall be routed with care: due to its topology (fast OPAMP – 400MHz), a bad layout will make it oscillate. For this reason, I also add a footprint for a small 1pF capacitor: if the layout is not correct, I should be able to limit the oscillations with it.

Assembling the board
The PCBs (from SeeedFusion):

The finished board:

Assembled with the smart TFT:

After a first quick & dirty attempt, I had to enhance the interface look; this one is working properly, but I admit that the old win95 look is really outdated. Moreover, there is a flickering issue on some widgets which are highly solicited (e.g. the frequency valueBox). The new interface is based on a brushed metal background, with dark widgets. I have also implemented the double buffering for the concerned widgets:

- DDS (sinus/triangle waveform, with frequency / amplitude / offset control)
- PWM (PWM signal only)
- ARB (arbitrary waveforms & modulations)
- A menu page

Sinus / triangle waveform generation
Arbitrary waveforms generation
Some basic waveforms are available, such as saw tooth, exponential, noise, sin(x)/x… It is also possible to draw a waveform and play a wav file. However, there is a bandwidth issue: the AD9834 is accessed through a SPI bus, and even with a 20MHz clock, several microseconds are needed to send a single sample on the output. At the end, the microcontroller cannot provide more than 100kSPS (kilo Sample Per Second). Above this rate, the program is ran very slowly (most of the CPU time is spent into the ISR).
Go further
The DDS chip
A DDS such as the AD9102 is much more powerful than the AD9834; besides its more accurate DAC (14bits vs 10bits), its internal LUT can be reprogrammed: where the PIC32 can only provide 100kSPS, the AD9102 can provide up to 180MSPS (1800 time more). Unfortunately, this device is more expensive ($15/u at 100u) and is available only in LFCSP package (quite hard to solder).
The analog stage
The power supply should be changed first: the +/-7V coming from the buck regulators are obviously problematic (the output signal has some noise – 1.5MHz @10mVpp). A simple power supply based on a toroidal transformer and some 78xx / 79xx would be better. The LM7171 OPAMPs should also be changed by a more appropriate chip (a current feedback OPAMP for example).
The 10 bits of the AD5310 might not be the wisest solution for this application: for 10Vpp, 1LSB is equivalent to ~10mV, which is pretty good… if you use the whole range of the DAC! I reduced the range from 0-1023 to 0-920 due to the tolerance of the components, leading to an 11mV/LSB resolution. A 12 bits DAC would be a better solution here, thus a true voltage reference (the current one is derived from the 3.3V supply).
Author: Philippe Duboisset
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